En node 싱크가 제대로 되지 않고 있습니다

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1시간 전쯤부터 노드가 싱크를 정상적으로 하고있지 못합니다.
문제가 생기는 해당 로그 첨부합니다

ERROR[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=bb7041829fb68fa2                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=bb7041829fb68fa2 conn=inbound            err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=bb7041829fb68fa2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=bb7041829fb68fa2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=bb7041829fb68fa2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            peerID=f18784a5bf6fb1a2
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=5b92275f63b51343 NodeType=3  ip=   port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=301c8d7d8f3b0352 NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:16 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=46d6c66c262424e5 NodeType=3  ip=  port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=44.511ms  trieDBSize=16.61mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=85.853
WARN[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=f18784a5bf6fb1a2                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:18 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f18784a5bf6fb1a2 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:21 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            peerID=1b0786532858f183
INFO[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=38.804ms  trieDBSize=16.61mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=98.480
WARN[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=1b0786532858f183                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:23 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=1b0786532858f183 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:26 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            peerID=7d6230cf175c68f5
INFO[08/13,06:50:27 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=5e66ec2ccfa1aaee NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=35577a66d503a94c NodeType=3  ip=    port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=71aee95105ac88bb NodeType=3  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=c378208d4d09e95a NodeType=2  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=10be3f86e810b015 NodeType=3  ip=  port=10100
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=a7014d77a2cbd8f2 NodeType=3  ip= port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c NodeType=2  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=3c9643165490a1d8 NodeType=3  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=7eb241bedd1e2f2c
ERROR[08/13,06:50:29 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=39.236ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=97.395
WARN[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=7d6230cf175c68f5                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.4.2/linux-amd64/go1.13.3
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.4.2/linux-amd64/go1.13.3
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.4.2/linux-amd64/go1.13.3
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7d6230cf175c68f5 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.4.2/linux-amd64/go1.13.3
ERROR[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=555f6552bcc2b348 NodeType=2  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=555f6552bcc2b348
ERROR[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=50.910ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=75.061
ERROR[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=7eb241bedd1e2f2c                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3  ip=   port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:50:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=a2173b0aa5d0d024 NodeType=3  ip=  port=32323
ERROR[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=42.618ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=89.665
ERROR[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=555f6552bcc2b348                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:41 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            peerID=f8efb533bfa1c969
ERROR[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=39.583ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=96.542
ERROR[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=f8efb533bfa1c969                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=21a31e8ec7a4756c NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=36b99867385ebe8e NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:43 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=f8efb533bfa1c969 conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2+38c63d495d/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:44 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=f28f907dc3b4a2b3 NodeType=3  ip=    port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:44 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=3a72a91422a2bffa NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:44 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=dca13101acd0950f NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:44 Z] [33] Added a single channel P2P Peer           id=ec21c0e68c7572bf conn=inbound            peerID=ec21c0e68c7572bf
INFO[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=ba23527318820f86 NodeType=3  ip=  port=32323
ERROR[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=38.934ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=98.150
ERROR[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=ec21c0e68c7572bf                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=ec21c0e68c7572bf conn=inbound            err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=ec21c0e68c7572bf conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=ec21c0e68c7572bf conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:46 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=ec21c0e68c7572bf conn=inbound            PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.0/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:50:47 Z] [33] Added a single channel P2P Peer           id=3952a71121e2c1ef conn=inbound            peerID=3952a71121e2c1ef
INFO[08/13,06:50:51 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=b118d84da67655de NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:50:52 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=d1fc7f2c98939dd5 NodeType=3  ip=    port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:50:58 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=e745f4d1264c0b0f NodeType=3  ip=     port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=a7014d77a2cbd8f2 NodeType=3  ip= port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c NodeType=2  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=3c9643165490a1d8 NodeType=3  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=35577a66d503a94c NodeType=3  ip=    port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=71aee95105ac88bb NodeType=3  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=c378208d4d09e95a NodeType=2  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=10be3f86e810b015 NodeType=3  ip=  port=10100
INFO[08/13,06:51:00 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=7eb241bedd1e2f2c
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=42.133ms  trieDBSize=16.61mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=90.698
WARN[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=7eb241bedd1e2f2c                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=555f6552bcc2b348 NodeType=2  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=6056fd9749049435 NodeType=3  ip=    port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3  ip=   port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=5b92275f63b51343 NodeType=3  ip=   port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=301c8d7d8f3b0352 NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=46d6c66c262424e5 NodeType=3  ip=  port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:01 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=555f6552bcc2b348
ERROR[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=41.955ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=91.082
ERROR[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=555f6552bcc2b348                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:03 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:15 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=dca13101acd0950f NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:15 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=f28f907dc3b4a2b3 NodeType=3  ip=    port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:16 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=a2173b0aa5d0d024 NodeType=3  ip=  port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=36b99867385ebe8e NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:29 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=21a31e8ec7a4756c NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=a7014d77a2cbd8f2 NodeType=3  ip= port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c NodeType=2  ip=  port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=3c9643165490a1d8 NodeType=3  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=35577a66d503a94c NodeType=3  ip=    port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=71aee95105ac88bb NodeType=3  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=c378208d4d09e95a NodeType=2  ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=10be3f86e810b015 NodeType=3  ip=  port=10100
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=7eb241bedd1e2f2c
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=39.613ms  trieDBSize=16.61mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=96.467
WARN[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=7eb241bedd1e2f2c                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:30 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=7eb241bedd1e2f2c conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=ba23527318820f86 NodeType=3  ip=  port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3  ip=   port=32323
INFO[08/13,06:51:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=555f6552bcc2b348 NodeType=2  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes  id=5e66ec2ccfa1aaee NodeType=3  ip=   port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[08/13,06:51:31 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer             id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=555f6552bcc2b348
ERROR[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [5] Impossible reorg, please file an issue    oldnum=67108868 oldhash=6c5b39…77886e newnum=67108868 newhash=6c5b39…77886e
INFO[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment                number=67108868 hash=6c5b39…77886e blocks=4  txs=25  elapsed=39.153ms  trieDBSize=16.41mB   mgas=3.821    mgasps=97.600
ERROR[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [49] Failed to create mining context           err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
ERROR[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [5] Failed to reset txpool state              err="missing trie node 39ee50b347dc1646d8d7db66ccbdc6778ecaa66a3389a5a40c1dbd38cbd9b8d5 (path )"
WARN[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer     peer=555f6552bcc2b348                           err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
WARN[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
WARN[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg        id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial err=EOF
INFO[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7
INFO[08/13,06:51:33 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed         id=555f6552bcc2b348 conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.6.2/linux-amd64/go1.15.7

해당 문제가 발생하고 나서 노드 버전 업데이트 적용이후 정상적으로
싱크 하고 있습니다. 자문 자답 합니다!


안녕하세요. Klaytn 개발자 Aidan입니다.
@HARVEST 빠르게 이슈를 리포팅해주시고, 해결 경험까지 공유해주셔서 감사합니다.

해당 이슈는 Klaytn의 코드에서 부동소수점 오차로 인하여 발생한 것으로 확인되었습니다.
이 문제를 유발하는 코드는 Klaytn v1.6.0 이상에서는 이미 패치되었기에 신규 버전 사용으로 정상 작동한 것 같습니다.

앞으로 신규 버전 배포 시, 커뮤니티와 더 많은 소통을 통해 업그레이드를 장려하도록 하겠습니다.
