안녕하세요. 바오밥 네트워크 노드를 띄우고 사용하고 있는데 어느 순간부터 노드가 블럭 싱크를 받지 않는 거 같아서 문의드립니다.
- 블럭 넘버 37046381까지 싱크가 받아있는 상태고 그 뒤로는 멈춰있습니다.
- 디스크 용량 부족은 확인해보니 아닙니다.
- CPU, Memory도 넉넉합니다.
net_peerCountByType JSON-RPC를 호출했을 때는 응답값이 다음과 같습니다.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": 67,
"result": {
"en": 1,
"pn": 1,
"total": 2
로그를 살펴보니 아래와 같은 패턴의 로그가 지속적으로 나타나고 있는 것을 확인하였습니다.
WARN[11/11,02:45:57 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=132d7e00f49b36bc err="retrieved hash chain is invalid"
INFO[11/11,02:46:05 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from discovery nodes id=2861a76387a8e3f6 addr=
INFO[11/11,02:46:07 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from discovery nodes id=9a62bbcd1d188ac2 addr=
INFO[11/11,02:46:20 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from discovery nodes id=efceae0e0874ee2d addr=
INFO[11/11,02:46:22 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from discovery nodes id=e7945aca44f8d57e addr=
INFO[11/11,02:46:23 Z] [33] Added a single channel P2P Peer id=e7945aca44f8d57e conn=dyndial peerID=e7945aca44f8d57e
INFO[11/11,02:46:25 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=132d7e00f49b36bc NodeType=2 ip= port=32323
INFO[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [33] Added a single channel P2P Peer id=132d7e00f49b36bc conn=trusted-staticdial peerID=132d7e00f49b36bc
ERROR[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to handle message id=e7945aca44f8d57e conn=dyndial msg="msg #10 (2563 bytes)" err="Invalid message - msg msg #10 (2563 bytes): invalid message: (code a) (size 2563) undefined tx type"
ERROR[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [33] Protocol istanbul/64 failed id=e7945aca44f8d57e conn=dyndial err="Invalid message - msg msg #10 (2563 bytes): invalid message: (code a) (size 2563) undefined tx type"
INFO[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=e7945aca44f8d57e conn=dyndial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.3/linux-amd64/go1.14.6
INFO[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from discovery nodes id=0192a8680b08be22 addr=
INFO[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=e7945aca44f8d57e conn=dyndial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.3/linux-amd64/go1.14.6
WARN[11/11,02:46:26 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, retrying err="receipt download canceled (requested)"
ERROR[11/11,02:46:29 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to handle message id=132d7e00f49b36bc conn=trusted-staticdial msg="msg #10 (2563 bytes)" err="Invalid message - msg msg #10 (2563 bytes): invalid message: (code a) (size 2563) undefined tx type"
ERROR[11/11,02:46:29 Z] [33] Protocol istanbul/64 failed id=132d7e00f49b36bc conn=trusted-staticdial err="Invalid message - msg msg #10 (2563 bytes): invalid message: (code a) (size 2563) undefined tx type"
INFO[11/11,02:46:29 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=132d7e00f49b36bc conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.3/linux-amd64/go1.14.6
INFO[11/11,02:46:29 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=132d7e00f49b36bc conn=trusted-staticdial PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.3/linux-amd64/go1.14.6