"Bad block" error

Hi team, got this error when syncing, please help check

INFO[09/25,08:37:43 Z] [48] There is already corresponding badblock in db. badblock number=33383553
ERROR[09/25,08:37:43 Z] [5] ########## BAD BLOCK ######### Chain config: {ChainID: 8217 IstanbulCompatibleBlock: 86816005 LondonCompatibleBlock: 86816005 EthTxTypeCompatibleBlock: 86816005 MagmaCompatibleBlock: 99841497 KoreCompatibleBlock: 119750400 ShanghaiCompatibleBlock: 135456000 CancunCompatibleBlock: 147534000 KaiaCompatibleBlock: 162900480 RandaoCompatibleBlock: 147534000 KIP103CompatibleBlock: 119750400 KIP103ContractAddress 0xD5ad6D61Dd87EdabE2332607C328f5cc96aeCB95 KIP160CompatibleBlock: 162900480 KIP160ContractAddress 0xa4df15717Da40077C0aD528296AdBBd046579Ee9 SubGroupSize: 22 UnitPrice: 25000000000 DeriveShaImpl: 2 Engine: istanbul} Number: 33383553 Hash: 0x30f0b054fd8cba2b06763edc42e32fb9ea206677d2b1ef128230226c462e64e8 Receipt: Error: not a program account (e.g., an account having code and storage)
WARN[09/25,08:37:43 Z] [28] Synchronisation failed, dropping peer peer=57d667c3783c3bc8 err=“retrieved hash chain is invalid: not a program account (e.g., an account having code and storage)”

Hi, could you provide me more background of your error? (e.g., sync mode, node type, …)

And have you rewinded chain (by setHead or --start-block-num flag) or shut down node not gracefully?

sync mode = full
node type = EN
I tried setHead and start-block-num but failed with this error:

Oh, I meant is it full node or archive node.

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it’s a fullnode. Only set the sync mode to full

Then I think your DB has been corrupted somewhat… How about using chaindata snapshot supported by kaia? I think full node doesn’t need to be synced from genesis. Kaia mainnet ChainData

If you want to use live-pruning, trying Kaia mainnet ChainData. Thanks.

ok, thank you, let me try.