Cloudbric CLBK token

I’m an early investor in Cloudbric. I bought some CLB (ERC20) in 2018 and they become CLBK. Last week I withdraw my CLBK, but I forgott this change and I gave my Trust wallet (ERC20) public address, but I didn’t receive my token. I can see the transaction on Klaytnscope.

Any idea or advise how to procced to recover my CLBK token on my Trust wallet?

Many thanks and kind regards

Hi, IMHO below steps may help you.

  1. Ethereum and Klaytn share a lot in common(e.g., Account system).
  2. That means if you know a private key of your ERC20 account, you can get access to that account on Klaytn blockchain.
  3. I recommend you to use the import wallet function(using Private Key) in Kaikas.
  4. You may see your account info in Kaikas and can check the CLBK.
1개의 좋아요

Many thanks for your message.
Sorry, just to make sure (not to loose definitely my CLBK if not already done).
2. Do you mean the private key of my Trust wallet? If yes, how can I access to that account on Klaytn blockchain (is there a procedure)?
3. Do you mean that I’ve to open a Kaikas wallet? Using my Trust wallet private Key won’t import all my token?
4. If I understand well, my CLBK will be on Kaikas and not on my Trust wallet.
Sorry to bother you with all these questions, but I’m not so confident to understand everything in the crypto world, especially as English is not my mother tongue.
Thanks again and kind regards

@no1 Hi, if you know a private key of your Trust Wallet, you can use that account on Klaytn blockchain(maybe).

Would you like to try the steps below?

  1. Open you favorite browser, like Google Chrome or Firefox
  2. And then, try to install Kaikas (Browser extension developed by Klaytn Team)
  3. Click “Import” in manage accounts tab and then input your private key.
  4. And then Click “Add Token” In token list -> Click CLBK.
  5. You may see your CLBK tokens.

Let me know if you try above steps.

I recommend you to read Klaytn docs if you want to know details of Klaytn blockchain.


I will try from home, I cannot do that from my working place and it seems that it doesn’t work on the mobile phone.
I will let you know.

Kind regards

Hello Sir,

I’ve managed to install Kaikas on Google Chrome.
I’ve clicked “import” and inputed my “Trust wallet” private key, but I get the message “Warning: invalid private key”.
So I canoot click to add CLBK in the token list.
I tried to add before the CLBK in the token list and then import with my private key, but still the same.

Any idea or solution?

Here is the page with the transaction to transfer my CLBK to my Trust wallet
and here my account where I can see my CLBK

Many thanks in advance



(첨부 KaikasCLBK.docx 파일이 없습니다)

Hi Sir,

I’ve received a message that you didn’t get the joint file. It was just 2 screenshot of Kaikas to illustrate what I explained, but I don’t know if my e-mail belloe went through.

Kind regards


(첨부 KaikasCLBK.docx 파일이 없습니다)

Hi, do you really know your private key correctly?

I installed Trust Wallet on my iPhone6s and I tested it.
I can’t find any menu to export or know my private key.

Private key format: 0x{64}digit
That means private key must starts with 0x and rest of the key must be 64 numbers.

Please check your private key is the right thing.


I was some days on holidays.

I tried several times with my private key, but it looks like my Trust wallet private key correspond to another public key that I use for a while (to transfer and receive token).

Do you think possible that the public key has changed?

My usual public key is the one that we can see on the transaction page 0xb825f5df7e167f17993921a00e63e74906d80504

but when I duplicate my private key in Kaikas it automatically gives another public key, 0xB4f3C941b782F2c7C23988353704aC313D87AeDa,that I got when opening my wallet 2 years ago.

Any idea or trick to get my CLBK back?

Many thanks for your patience and kind regards

Francois Schaller

Hi again,

Sorry to come back once again after sending my e-mail 2 minutes ago.Isn’t it any possibility to import (force) my public key into my Kaikas account instead of a private key?
It would probably solve my problem.


Francois Schaller

I didn’t get what you said.
There will be one address that matches with one private key.

And there is no way to import Account with public key.
If that method is possible, blockchain is a FRAUD.

You can manage your account only using private key.
Nobody can manage your account with public key.

you MUST KNOW your PRIVATE KEY to manage(import or something) your account.


I mean that I have a private key, but it looks like my public key has changed (it’s strange, but it looks like it is the case). I used the same public key for a while (the one I used to move my CLB on the exchange platform and to move my CLBK back), but when I introduce my private key in Kaikas it gives a public key that I’ve noted in the beginning two years ago.

To login in Kaikas, we have to introduce an ID (e-mail) and a password, why not possible to change manualy the public key, even with 2FA code for more security if necessary?

To introduce a private key in other system is even riskier in my humble opinion. We shouldn’t have to give our private key to anybody else, even in a service like Klaytn or Kaikas. Imagine if Klaytn or Kaikas are hacked the hackers will get the private keys of a lot of clients to stole their tokens.

What do you think about that? Giving a private key in another system, even very secure, is not without risk and looks a bit strange.

Klaytn and Kaikas should think about another solution, as to provide the solution to their clients to be able to modify their public key in their own account (with a 2FA code for example) as it works pretty well on other platforms.

Kind regards


Hmm… I don’t get much about this conversation, but I have one curious thing.

Kaikas can have multiple accounts. When you open Kaikas, you can see the people icon on the title bar as you can see the red circle in the below image.

Please click this icon, then you can change your account. It seems that you have two or more accounts (0xb825f5df7e167f17993921a00e63e74906d80504 and 0xB4f3C941b782F2c7C23988353704aC313D87AeDa).

Hope this helps.

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