[Help] Can't install Klaytn baobab EN node

Hi Team,

I followed installation-guide docs to install my own testnet end node on Amazon Linux 2.

Please help me verify my steps:

wget https://packages.klaytn.net/klaytn/v1.6.0/kend-baobab-v1.6.0-0.el7.x86_64.rpm

sudo yum install kend-baobab-v1.6.0-0.el7.x86_64.rpm

sudo mkdir -p /var/kend/data

  1. Updated data dir at /etc/kend/conf/kend.conf.
# Configuration file for the kend

# if you specify NETWORK_ID, a private network is created.


  1. Startup the en: https://docs.klaytn.com/node/endpoint-node/installation-guide/startup-the-en


kend start
-bash: /usr/bin/kend: No such file or directory

I don’t see any kend binary file after install yum to run kend start. Ken only.

Another problem. Can I ask where is genesis.json file. I can’t found it.

sudo ken init --datadir /var/kend/data genesis.json
CRIT[04/06,16:15:34 Z] [19] Failed to read genesis file err=“open genesis.json: no such file or directory”

Long Hoang


I had been through the same problem.
The problem is that the rpm package does not have the ‘kend’ file which is a simple script written by Klaytn to help start/stop the ken process.

My quick fix was to install ken with ‘ken-…tar.gz’
It has the kend file :smiley:

Thanks for helping @sytech. Is there any problems you got if we use llinux-amd64 file on Amazon Linux 2 (redhat 7.x86_64.rpm). I thought that they are different built binary files.

And can you load .conf file from ken command. I have to pass manual arguments rightnow because
kend-v1.6.0-0.el7.x86_64.rpm didn’t load .conf file from /etc/kend/conf/kend.conf

If you want to install with the rpm package, I cannot give you any advice :smiley:

Let’s wait another input from one of klaytn members

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I don’t see any kend binary file after install yum to run kend start . Ken only.

I’ll check the kend file with my team.

For now, you can copy the kend file from klaytn code(https://github.com/klaytn/klaytn/blob/v1.6.0/build/rpm/etc/init.d/kend) and locate it at /usr/bin/.
Don’t forget to run chmod 755 kend :slight_smile:
After kend start, you can check the log /var/log/kend/kend.out.

Another problem. Can I ask where is genesis.json file. I can’t found it.

Can I ask the reason why you need a genesis.json? What you’re trying to run is an EN node. EN Node only cannot generate blocks. I recommend core-cell + en or service chain docs to configure your own testnet. You can find the way how to generate genesis.json file by using homi tool.

core-cell: https://docs.klaytn.com/node/core-cell
service chain: https://docs.klaytn.com/node/service-chain
creation of a genesis file: https://docs.klaytn.com/node/service-chain/references/scn/configuration#creation-of-a-genesis-file

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Thanks for warming help! @sytech and @Yumiel.ko. I can run it right now.

It took me a while to set it up to run as daemon mode. Want to be shared here later someone will need it.

cd /etc/systemd/system
vim kend.service

Description=Klaytn Baobab Node Service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/kend --baobab --datadir /var/kend/data


sudo systemctl start kend.service
sudo systemctl enable kend.service

Check status by cmd: systemctl status kend.service -l

Btw, I think we should post RPC public test node url : https://api.baobab.klaytn.net:8651 on Docs website. I think it will attract more smart contract developers without having to spend time installing nodes to develop(You guys published it already but they might not know (included me untils I found this forum).

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Oh, you have already set up the network… thanks for the detailed instruction.

Besides, I asked devops. They told kend file is already in /etc/init.d/. You can check the path by running rpm -qpl kend-baobab-v1.6.0-0.el7.x86_64.rpm. After installation, you can run/stop the EN node by following commands.

systemctl status kend
systemctl start kend
systemctl stop kend

You can build a network more conveniently with this approach :slight_smile:

Btw, I think we should post RPC public test node url : https://api.baobab.klaytn.net:8651 on Docs website.

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll revise the docs.

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Thank you so much. Kend It is truly inside /etc/init.d.