I cannot access the public rpc, plz help

Cannot access this rpc api.cypress.klaytn.net plz help

A few months ago, we announced that Cypress public EN is no logger supported anymore on https://www.klaytn.com/

Please check below.

[Notice] Klaytn Public EN (Endpoint Node) Termination from February 21, 2021
Dear users, 

Klaytn Team would like to make the following announcement.

As previously notified, Klaytn Public EN(Endpoint Node) service will be terminated starting February 21. From this date onwards, Public EN for Cypress Mainnet will no longer be available for use. But the EN for the testnet Baobab will remain accessible for developing and experimenting with Klaytn.

If your production system has been provided with Klaytn Cypress Public EN, we advise you to opt for one of two following methods to proceed with the system migration in time.

1. Establishing a separate EN: You can set up your own EN for direct operation and management. It requires higher costs, but there is a payoff in form of increased liberty. For more information regarding the setup of ENs, please refer to this document (https://docs.klaytn.com/node/endpoint-node/installation-guide).

2. Using KAS (Klaytn API Service): The free plan allows up to 10,000 APIs uses, with other useful APIs also being available. But WebSocket currently not being supported, so you will have to set up your own EN if WebSocket is required. To find out more about KAS, please refer to this document(https://docs.klaytn.com/node/endpoint-node/installation-guide).

Should there be any inquiries regarding this announcement, please reach out to us by email at partners@klaytn.com or via your usual contact person at Klaytn Business Team.

The above linked documents will provide the general information regarding KAS, but if you have any further inquiries, send us an email at support@klaytnapi.com. We will do our best to assist your needs. 

Thank you.

Klaytn Team