클레이트 메인넷 노드 운영 문제

현재 Cypress에서 저희 서비스를 운영중 인데 다음과 같이 클레이튼 Cypress 메인노드에서 오류가 났습니다. 여기나온 시간은 UTC이고 1 시간가량 아래 메시지가 발생하고 노드 동기화가 느려지는 현상이 발생하여 문의드립니다.
WARN[03/18,05:19:16 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:16 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:16 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:16 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:17 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:17 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:17 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:17 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:18 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:18 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:18 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
WARN[03/18,05:19:18 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b
INFO[03/18,05:19:18 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment number=23029712 hash=9507e4…a02e2b blocks=4 txs=24 elapsed=8.044s trieDBSize=3.79mB mgas=3.139 mgasps=0.390

WARN[03/18,06:17:36 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23031405 hash=cd23f3…949a93
WARN[03/18,06:17:36 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23031405 hash=cd23f3…949a93
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:39 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=555f6552bcc2b348 number=23031406 hash=46ba2f…00cec0
WARN[03/18,06:17:40 Z] [29] Failed to import propagated block as the channel is full peer=426470a079b88ba2 number=23031407 hash=95d0a1…b825ab
INFO[03/18,06:17:45 Z] [5] Imported new chain segment number=23031417 hash=b41088…eec726 blocks=14 txs=84 elapsed=8.190s trieDBSize=9.42mB mgas=11.483 mgasps=1.402

노드 싱크가 위와 같이 안맞는 에러가 계속 발생하여서 저희 서비스에서 계속 긴급 공지를 띄우고 차질이 발생합니다. 저희가 노드운영에 사용할 수 있는 고정된 IP를 받거나 등록할 수 있는곳이 있다면 어딘지 알고 싶습니다.

해당 경고 메시지는 block 처리가 늦어져서 발생되는 문제입니다.
해당 머신의 spec이나 instance type이 낮다면 높여주셔야겠습니다.

그리고 klaytn v1.4.2를 사용하시면 v1.3.0보다 더욱 향상된 성능으로 동작하니 시도해보셨으면합니다. 그래도 해당 증상이 나타나시면 다시 문의 부탁드립니다.

지금 최신버전으로 쓰고 있는데 다시 에러가 나고 있습니다. 퍼블릭 EN노드 또한 현재 1000개이상 블록차이가 납니다. 어떻게 해야할까요?

Public EN노드는 현재 SLA 보장을 하고 있지 않습니다. 해당 시점에 Public EN의 블록차이의 원인은 다양한 API Call로 인해 발생되는 것으로 추정하고 원인 파악/해결중입니다.

또한 자체 EN 운영중 block처리가 늦어지는 부분은 지속적인 최적화를 통해 해결하려고 합니다.
현재는 instance type 및 storage 성능을 올려서 대응을 부탁드립니다.