안녕하세요. 현재 저희가 운영하고 있는 엔드포인트 노드에서 다음과 같이 코어, 프록시 노드들과 연결을 제대로 하지 못하고 있는 것 같습니다.
INFO[01/27,10:51:14 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:51:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:51:46 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=77e5e3118c80704f NodeType=3 ip= port=32323
INFO[01/27,10:51:46 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:52:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:52:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=21a31e8ec7a4756c NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:52:18 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:52:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:52:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=77e5e3118c80704f NodeType=3 ip= port=32323
INFO[01/27,10:52:51 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:53:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=21a31e8ec7a4756c NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:53:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:53:16 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=77e5e3118c80704f NodeType=3 ip= port=32323
INFO[01/27,10:53:24 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:53:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:53:57 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:54:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:54:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=21a31e8ec7a4756c NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:54:01 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=77e5e3118c80704f NodeType=3 ip= port=32323
1INFO[01/27,10:54:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:54:31 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
WARN[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg id=761eefcdce2ed724 conn=inbound err=EOF
WARN[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] ProtocolManager failed to read msg id=761eefcdce2ed724 conn=inbound err=EOF
INFO[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=761eefcdce2ed724 conn=inbound PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.0/linux-amd64/go1.14.1
INFO[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=761eefcdce2ed724 conn=inbound PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.0/linux-amd64/go1.14.1
INFO[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=761eefcdce2ed724 conn=inbound PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.0/linux-amd64/go1.14.1
INFO[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] ProtocolManager.processMsg closed id=761eefcdce2ed724 conn=inbound PeerName=Klaytn/v1.5.0/linux-amd64/go1.14.1
INFO[01/27,10:54:52 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=77e5e3118c80704f NodeType=3 ip= port=32323
INFO[01/27,10:54:53 Z] [33] Added a multichannel P2P Peer id=d45acaf99094c0b4 conn=inbound peerID=d45acaf99094c0b4
INFO[01/27,10:55:03 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=c64fa2c744f5f1e8 NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:55:03 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=21a31e8ec7a4756c NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
INFO[01/27,10:55:03 Z] [33] [Dial] Add dial candidate from static nodes id=beec96d6b212e10f NodeType=3 ip= port="[32323 32324]"
특이한 건, ipc로 연결하여 사용하는 자바스크립트 콘솔에서 엔드포인트 노드의 상태를 확인해보고 있는데 아래처럼 싱크가 정상적으로 되었다고 나오지만 블록 넘버는 올라가고 있지 않은 상황입니다.
보통 싱크가 안될 때는 false
로 나오지 않았거든요.
> klay.syncing
> klay.blockNumber
> klay.blockNumber
지금은 다행히 클레이튼 스코프를 비롯하여 저희측 EN의 장애가 해소된 상황입니다.